More and more straight people are traveling with gay groups because they want to travel with like-minded people with whom they may share similar experiences.
really good people can at times behave quite unconsciously, and on the flip-side, great travelers can prove to be truly wonderful ambassadors. The following is a list of FIFTEEN TIPS to help you to be an excellent group traveler.
Anyone who has planned trips for friends and families, or even their own trips can tell you that it can take a lot of time, and when finished, one still doesn’t know whether everything is going to work as planned, or as presented on the web.
The first rule in posting photos is if you don't have a house-sitter, wait until you get home to post photos of your vacation. You do not want to promote to the world that you are away from home.
Focusing on living in the present moment abolishes our worries, fears, and anxieties and helps us to enjoy the time that we have. And this is where living in the now can benefit us while we are traveling, because it is during our travels where we want to make the most out of every second.
Today’s ride yielded more beautiful scenery and a mild ab workout, as we used our oblique muscles to keep us in the rhythm of our elephant’s march. We entered the gates to the Amber Fort, dismounted our ride, and proceeded inside the Palace’s golden-colored walls.
South America is a leader in design, with modern museums like the Museum of Niteroi in Brazil, and ultra cool hotels such as the Faena Hotel and Universe in Buenos Aires and the Hotel Unique in Sao Paulo , Brazil. Just stepping into these places makes you feel cool.