Buenos Aires

On Tour in Buenos Aires

I am writing this from my hotel room in Buenos Aires, full of thoughts about how this city has changed since we offered our first tour here nine years ago. 

It has certainly become more gay friendly and accepting, both in the mentality of the locals and as evidenced by anti-discrimination laws that have been enacted.  

The gay scene in Buenos Aires is better than ever, and you can go out every night of the week and find something happening.  

Also the exchange rate has become very favorable for foreigners.  Currently there is a double economy.  The official exchange rate of 6 Argentinian Pesos to the US Dollar that you get at banks and ATMs, and the unofficial exchange rate of 10 Argentinian Pesos to the US Dollar that you can get at unofficial exchange 
houses.   So, your spending money while in the country will go further if you pay with cash. 

Why I love Tango in Buenos Aires

One of my favorite activities that our travelers enjoy on Zoom Argentina is learning to dance the Tango from local professional dancers. 

Tango is sexy and sensual without being overtly sexual. Before you see two men dance the Tango, you may assume that one dancer will appear feminine, and the other masculine, but this isn't the case.  Instead, the dance lends itself to an uncanny juxtaposition of individuality and communion.  

In fact, Tango is so popular that Argentinian doctors have been prescribing it for heart attack patients, saying that it can generate the same beneficial effects for coronary arteries and for the heart as walking and jogging.  Plus, it's so fun that patients have better odds of keeping up the exercise.

After our class, that evening we see the masters of the dance in action at the best Tango show in Buenos Aires.  It's truly sensational, and something that I wish everyone could see in their lifetime.